Brought to you by BethsFarmKitchen   1-800-331-jams

Barbecued Pulled Pork with Hot N Spicy Chutney

3 pounds pork butt
1/8 teaspoon Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup ketchup
8 ounces Beth's Farm Kitchen Hot N Spicy chutney
4 Toasted rolls and Coleslaw

*1.Preheat oven to 250 degree F.
*2.Create an aluminum foil parcel 12”X12” loosely around the pork. Be sure to crimp the edges of the aluminum tightly. Place parcel on an 11” X 13” baking sheet.
*3.Slow roast the pork butt in the oven for 6 hours or until when a carving fork is inserted into the meat and comes back out easily.
*4.Allow meat to rest for 20- 30 minutes.
*5.With two forks, gently pull the meat into shredded morsels.
*6.If any juices have collected in the foil package, pour them back over the meat.
*7.Mix the ketchup and jar of chutney into the pull pork while still hot.
8.Serve meat hot on a toasted roll, and top with favorite coleslaw.